It is well known that dissemination of information through local corrosion association NACE-Jubail,
various innovative corrosion control measures can be promoted to industries.
NACE-Jubail supports such networking efforts which will enhance the service life of industrial plants and infrastructure.
 Expand and develop an esteemed local section for the promotion of corrosion control and awareness in Al-Jubail Area.
 Dissemination of information on corrosion control and related materials degradation problems for
better management of industrial resources, assets and operations.
- To regularly gather and disseminate information on technology and method for the control and monitoring of industrial corrosion by initiating and organizing, or participating in open meetings, technical visits, workshops and conferences;
- To enlist a wide diversity of membership so as to achieve mutual benefits between industry, suppliers, research groups, governmental groups and individuals; and
- To facilitate relevant training and educational courses.

- Regular seminars and meetings on corrosion and other issues of interest.
- Organization of training courses in collaboration with NACE and other institutions.
- Maintain a network for exchange of ideas through discussion groups.
- Social gathering.
- Relevant Industrial visit.

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