Date |
Event Type |
Venue |
Sponsors |
Topic |
Photo Gallery |
Presentation Docs |
1 - 4 Sep, 2024 |
JUBCOR 2024 |
King Abdullah Cultural Center Jubail |
Please click here |
Managing Corrosion: Challenges and Digitization |
13 Dec, 2023 |
48th Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Digitalize Corrosion Monitoring and Inspection for Improved Decision Making |
18 & 19 Oct, 2023 |
FRP Forum & Expo |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Please click here |
Non Metallic Application Challenges and Solutions. |
15 Feb, 2023 |
47th Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Effectiveness of Composite Reinforcement with Leak Sealing Clamps |
26 Oct, 2022 |
46th Technical Meeting |
KARAN Hotel Al-Jubail |
United Special Technical Services (USTS) |
Utilizing Thermoplastics to Protect Industrial Assets from Internal Corrosion |
08 Jun, 2022 |
Technical Seminar |
KARAN Hotel Al-Jubail |
Building Products Company |
Advanced Zinc Technology for Extending the Lifetime of Metallic Assets and aging HDG |
27 Feb - 1 Mar, 2022 |
JUBCOR 2022 |
King Abdullah Cultural Center Jubail |
Please click here |
Managing Corrosion: Challenges and Digitization |
14 Feb, 2022 |
NACE-J 4th Webinar |
Live |
Chemically Free Water Treatment Solutions for Industrial Applications |
22 Dec, 2021 |
NACE-J 3rd Webinar |
Live |
Specialized Oil & Gas Engineering Co. Ltd. |
A Further Step into Digitizing CP Monitoring and Control Process |
11 Apr, 2021 |
NACE-J 2nd Webinar |
Live |
Specialized Oil & Gas Engineering Co. Ltd. |
DC Stray Current Interference Sources and Mitigation Means |
20 May, 2020 |
NACE-J 1st Webinar |
Live |
Wood Al Hejailan |
Maintenance Optimization of Ageing Assets with A Fit for Purpose RBI & Corrosion Management Delivery |
17-20 Feb, 2020 |
SABIC Conference 2020 |
King Abdullah Cultural Center, Al-Jubail |
NACE-Jubail |
Exhibition of SABIC Conference 2020 |
22 Oct, 2019 |
45th Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Lokring Middle East |
Lokring - Innovative 'Cold Weld' Solution for Pipe Repairs & Construction |
29 Apr, 2019 |
NACE-J Seminar 2019 |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Stopaq Middle East, WLL |
STOPAQ: Visco-Elastic Self-Healing Corrosion Prevention System |
- 17 Apr, 2019 |
JUBCOR 2019 |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Sabic, Royal Commission for Jubail & Yanbu, Riyadh Geotechnique & Foundations, Safari Oil & Gas, Sky Lines, Hemple, Ahmed Yahya Al Yami Est., Abdulla Fouad, Midad Holdings, Duflon Industries Pvt., Jotun, Tüv Süd Worldwide, Sahara PCC, NALCO, Cortec Middle East, Dong Yang Corrosion Eng., ENOIA Management Limited. |
THE CORROSION IMPACT: Challenges, Innovative Solutions and Knowledge Sharing |
12 Feb, 2019 |
44th Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
International System Est. |
Thermal Insulation Coating |
24 Dec, 2018 |
NACE-J Seminar 2018
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Cortec Middle East |
VpCI Technology for Corrosion Protection of Assets in Petrochemical facilities |
07-08 May, 2018 |
JUBCOR 2018 |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Cape - RB Hilton, Aspen - aerogels, BORIN Manufacturing, Inc., Rawabi Industrial Support Services., Dong Yang Corrosion Engineering Co., Ltd. |
Corrosion Control of Infrastructure |
18 Sep, 2017 |
43rd Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Sulzer Chemtech (UK) Ltd. |
Weld Overlay - The Smart Way to Extend Tower Lifetime and Keep Your Shutdowns Under Control.
22 May, 2017 |
42nd Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Hajjan Trading & Industrial Services Co. Ltd. |
Composite Solutions for Returning Strength to Damaged Assets.
26-27 Apr, 2017 |
JCMEF 2017 |
Al-Fanateer Cultural Center Al-Jubail |
Veolia, Al-Jazeera Paints, Sogec, GE Power & Water, Hempel, Aqua Chemie, Kurita, CTS |
Industrial Water Treatment |
16 Apr, 2017 |
41st Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
International Robotic Tank Solutions |
On-Stream Robotic Inspection Solution for Above Ground Storage Tanks |
12 Mar, 2017 |
40th Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Gulf Energy Solution Company |
Sponge-Jet Dry Abrasive Blasting Technology |
14 Dec, 2016 |
39th Technical Meeting |
KARAN Hotel Al-Jubail |
Al Othman Trading & Const |
Using Pulsed Eddy Current to Inspect for Corrosion Under Insulation. |
24 Aug, 2016 |
38th Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
PST Global |
AC Corrosion on CP Protected Pipelines – Risk Assessment, Mitigation & Monitoring supported by CP Data Management Software |
29 Feb, 2016 |
37th Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Integrated Global Services |
Field deployment of high velocity thermal spray cladding and ceramic systems for enhanced surface properties and protection |
10 Dec, 2015 |
Technical Workshop |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Hatcon, Hempel, Amerapex, Cape, Karrena, Rockwool, Sigma Paints, MCS |
Corrosion Under Insulation |
06 Sep, 2015 |
36th Technical Meeting |
KARAN Hotel Al-Jubail |
Modern corrosion solutions co. (MCS)
The Ultimate Corrosion Protection for Pipelines
17 May, 2015 |
35th Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Al-Bayroni |
Overview on the IMPACT Study (The Cost of Corrosion) |
18th Feb, 2015 |
34th Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Cortec Middle East. |
Mitigating Soil-Solid Corrosion of tank bottom using vapor phase Corrosion inhibitors (VpCl) technology. |
09 Dec, 2014 |
33rd Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Axis Inspection Ltd. |
Refractory in Petrochemical Industry - From Engineering to Dry out |
18 May, 2014 |
Workshop |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Coating and Lining for Industrial Application |
08 January, 2014 |
31st Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
FBE Coating of Reinforcing Steel as a Cost Efficient and Proven Solution to
Protect Integrity of Concrete Structures and Prolong their Life-Cycle |
22 April, 2013 |
30th Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Emerson Process Management |
New Developments and Trends in Corrosion and Erosion Monitoring |
26 March, 2013 |
29th Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
NACE-Jubail |
The Electrochemical and Corrosion Behavior of Carbon Steel in Reinforced
Concrete |
05 March, 2013 |
28th Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
JIC Student Chapter Event |
02 October, 2012 |
27th Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
NACE-Jubail |
Corrosion of Steel in Previously Cracked Concrete |
01 October, 2012 |
Concrete Workshop |
Karan Hotel Al-Jubail |
Structural, Proceq, CTS, CorrPower, NBC, FOSROC, Al-Hoty, MAC, KAABI, Silvion,
Sika, AFIC, RGF, SkyLines, D-BASF |
Concrete Deterioration, Repair & Prevention in Hot & Humid Climates |
25 September, 2012 |
26th Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
AkzoNobel/Internation |
Tank Linings |
22 April, 2012 |
25th Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Dhelal Al Mamlakah |
Ivey Technology |
27 June, 2011 |
24th Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Monitoring Wall Loss and Corrosion Rate online using Non-Intrusive Sensor System |
13 June, 2011 |
23rd Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Maxwell |
17-19 October, 2011 |
1st NACE-Jubail Industrial Forum |
Jubail Industrial College (JIC) |
NACE-Jubail |
Water Treatment & Cathodic Protection |
17-19 May, 2011 |
Exhibition |
Sultan Bin Abdel Aziz Science & Technology Center(Scitech) Exhibition |
SABIC Technology Center - Jubail |
The Third National Festival of Science and Technology 2011 |
26 April, 2011 |
22nd Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Alemite, LLC |
Alemite Centralized Lubrication System |
12 April, 2011 |
21st Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Saudi K-KEM Engineering Services Co. |
Reliable and Time Saving Method for Tube Inspection to Identify
Corrosion/Failure by using Acoustic Eye |
29 March, 2011 |
20th Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Al-Jazeera Paints |
Rising to the Challenge through Technology Innovation |
07 December, 2010 |
Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Saudi K-KEM Engineering Service Co. |
Tank Bottom Floor Inspection Using Acoustic Emission & The Development of Piping
Corrosion Circuit |
30 November, 2010 |
Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
FOAMGLAS Industry |
Corrosion Under Insulation |
27 September, 2010 |
Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
SABIC Technology Center - Jubail |
Rehabilitation and Cathodic Protection of Sweater Cooling Towers |
28 June, 2010 |
Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Industrial Materials & Services Co. (InmaTrading) |
Innovative Permanent Rehabilitation Technologies Against Corrosion and Erosion |
30 May, 2010 |
Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
GE Water & Process Technologies |
Corrosion & Fouling Control at Petrochemical Processes |
27 April, 2010 |
Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Abdulla-Fouad Co. |
Corrosion Monitoring in Downstream Oil and Gas Industry using NDT Methods |
30 March, 2010 |
Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Binzagr BFIM |
Non Destructive Testing for CUI by Applus RTD |
23 February, 2010 |
Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Abdullah Albaijan Trading Est. |
Lined Pipe , Fittings and Valves for Anti Corrosion Applications |
26 January, 2010 |
Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Safari Oil & Gas / Canusa-CPS |
Diversity of field applied pipeline coating technologies used around the world |
05 January, 2010 |
Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Daido Steel Co. Ltd. |
Recent Innovative Materials for High Temperature Application (Ethylene Furnace &
Boiler Tubes) |
08 December, 2009 |
Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Ali A. Tamimi Trading Co. |
Advanced Reinforced Composites for Protection of Metal and Concrete Surfaces |
19 November, 2009 |
Industrial Visit |
Amiantit Fiberglass Industries Ltd. |
NACE-Jubail First Industrial Visit at Amiantit Fiberglass Industries Ltd. |
16 November, 2009 |
Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
FRP/RTRP/GRP – Piping systems for all Industrial Applications within Middle East
for the past 30 years |
29 October, 2009 |
Social Gathering |
Marafiq Camp |
Diversified Lines For Petroleum Services - DLPS |
NACE-Jubail First Social Gathering |
06 October, 2009 |
Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
HATCON Belzona |
Developments in Spray Applied Coatings for the protection of Process Vessels |
28 July, 2009 |
Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Sponge-Jet |
Sponge Jet : An Environmentally Friendly, Innovative and Effective Substrate
Blasting Preparation for Coating Application |
30 June, 2009 |
Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
MMFX Technologies Corporation |
High Strength and Corrosion Resistant MMFX / ASTM A1035 Steel for Design and
Construction |
26 May, 2009 |
Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
RAWABI Corrosion Technical Co. |
Wireless Remote Monitoring of Cathodic Protection Systems |
31 March, 2009 |
Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
Jotun Paints |
Solving CUI Challenges Using Multi-Matrix Polymeric Coating |
27 January, 2009 |
Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
GE Water & Process Technologies |
Reducing Corrosion and Potential Boiler Failure with Superior Iron Transport
Technology |
25 November, 2008 |
Technical Meeting |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
International Paint |
Corrosion Under Fireproofing
29 July, 2008 |
Inaugration of NACE-Jubail |
Intercontinental Al-Jubail |
NACE West Africa & Asia Region |
Inauguration of NACE-Jubail Section |